tical conversation about today’s classrooms. In fact, it was an acknowledgement that teaching today is harder than it has ever been….students are more diverse, parents more difficult, the content has increased as have the expectations. Another variable that has greatly increased for teacher is the access and availability of resources. There are so many “researched based” ideas out there that a quick search of the internet or even the classroom bookshelf gives a teacher an abundance of great lesson ideas or quick fix strategies. Here is where my wise friend struck me with an interesting observation. She asked how many teachers know how to cook from scratch? And how many bake cakes from a box?
The premise was simple.
I have had some excellent cakes made from a box (even made a few
myself). I dump the contents in, add an
egg or two, a little milk and PRESTO! I
have a cake….actually, I have a pretty good cake. One that I would even serve guests and be
proud. The problem is, I have no idea
how to bake nor the first thing about what goes into making a homemade
cake. There is also no way I could teach
someone else how to bake because I don’t understand the process, I just follow
the recipe. When an expert baker begins
a cake, they know what ingredients to add, they put a little extra here and a
little less there based on personal taste.
Because of their experience and their knowledge, they know how to make
the cake a little lighter or sweeter or whatever they want. They are designing it as they go and if you
stopped them to ask, they could explain the why behind each ingredient and the
order in which they should be added.
Teaching is no difference.
The true experts (the bakers) can design a perfect lesson because they
understand the content and their students (what flavors do they like?). They know what order to present the
information. They know when to add something extra and when to leave out
something out that is not needed. They
know what is important.
Box cakes lessons and resources are very necessary and can
be very good. They help us be more efficient
and feed our students. In a day and age
when everything is so busy, it is important to have tools that save us time and
energy. It is equally important to have
someone that knows the ingredients (the process) and can make adjustments as
needed. We need teachers that are bakers!!!
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