I have to admit, this chapter really solidified the need for
teachers and students to work as partners in learning. The two-way conversation that is essential around
a learning target, success criteria, and performance standards must have
complete understanding from both sides.
One of the pieces that I know I often miss when speaking with students
on classroom visits, is having them share where they are in their
learning/progress as compared to the success criteria. I like to ask what the learning objective,
goal, target, etc. is but that is really fairly generic unless it means
something to the student in terms of their own learning. I slight phrase change can make all the
difference!!! Another piece of
developing assessment-capable students that I believe we are right on the verge
of connecting, is self-reflection.
However, the authors point out some subtle differences that may help
teachers and students move forward at a greater pace. In NISD student commentary has become a
regular practice as students reflect on how their work meets a particular
standard in an assignment (especially on SBBBs, but also journaling and other
activities), but what we need to make sure they are doing is “translating their
self-assessment into action plans for improvement” (p. 80).
“Self-Assesssing without making an action plan for improvement is like
reading a recipe without actually preparing the dish: it’s nice to think about,
but it doesn’t help get dinner on the table.” (p. 89)
This of course brings me to goal-setting. Numerous studies have shown that goal-setting
is one of the leading factors influencing student achievement. The authors use John Hattie’s research to
point out that students being able to know where they are in relation to a
standard and use the information to set goals as the number one factor for
improving student achievement.” (p. 80) What
it doesn’t mention is the impact of short-term vs. long-term goals and the
impact they can have. When starting
anything new, don’t we all want to have some immediate success? Maybe it is with a new exercise plan, a diet,
or some home improvement, but the feeling of seeing results immediately and
still having a success criteria in mind is powerful. This is the beauty of Learning Targets!! They are meant for DAILY learning to build
toward a long term learning objective.
Students need to know for themselves how they did today and where they
are headed tomorrow.
Rick DuFour and others have made four simple PLC questions
What do I want students to know?
How am I going to teach it?
How will I know if they have learned it?
What will I do if the don’t? (or Do?)
These are essential questions for teachers to answer as they
plan lessons, however the ownership is on the teacher, not the student. Moss and Brookhart add to these questions by
posing two for students as well:
What am I learning (the learning target)?
How will I know when I have learned it (the
success criteria)?
Students must be able to assess where they are in the
learning process in order to set goals to move forward.
Chapter 5 gives lots of examples of ways teachers can help
students monitor their own learning. I
am curious, what are some strategies that are most successful for you?
I agree! I, too, highlighted the very first sentence in this chapter. In a world where we say it's all about the students, we need to ensure that our actions match our beliefs. Another highlighted statement for me also occurred on that page..."But unless a student engages with these, very little learning occurs." I have had the privilege of seeing teachers move beyond the compliance of the I will/We will statements to having the students interact with the objectives on a daily basis and at multiple points throughout the lesson. In fact, I regret not taking a few videos in those classes to showcase and share. In those moments of raw engagement the student becomes the owner of the learning. The subsection on pg 89 struck me as well. If we can move our students towards thinking about closing the gap between where they are in their journey and where they want to be, we have created a self-sustaining life-long learner. I'm looking forward to your post on Chapter 6....differentiated instruction - a passion of mine as an educator.
ReplyDeleteChapter 5: Provide feedback that identifies a strategy for growth linked to the success criteria, and give students a chance to use the feedback to improve.
ReplyDeleteNothing shows this strategy better than a writing conference. Two minute conferences with each student 2-3 times per week allows the student to share their writing, determine their strengths/weaknesses, and formulate a goal to improve their writing. This constant interchange of ideas between the teacher - student - peers is crucial in building a foundation of trust and acceptance on where the student is in the writing continuum and where the student sees himself/herself in the future.
How do we make learning visible? I just returned and everything we learned has solidified what we read in this chapter. During John Hattie’s keynote we learned about his continuing work on what has the biggest impact on student learning and achievement. Hattie determined that backward design and success criteria are crucial to students’ success. Within that category is:
ReplyDelete• Outlining and transforming
• Concept Mapping
• Setting standards for self-judgment
• Worked examples
• Goals
• Advanced Organizers
Chapter 5 of Learning Targets (and the other chapters for that matter) focuses on these doing these things with students so that learning is visible to them. When teachers make outline the learning and the goal for the students than students can be in charge of their own learning. When students understand what their work product should look like and they can evaluate it along the way against exemplars and rubrics than their leaning is visible. No surprises, No Questions, No Failures!
Writing conferences is a great example of how teachers help students move forward, but reading conferences can do the same. Students seem to always set goal for themselves around the number of books they are going to read or the reading level they are going to master. Great goals indeed, but the larger and more important question is, "How are you going to get to that higher reading level?" This is where reading goal setting comes in; what skills are the students going to focus, practice, and assess themselves on. ELA teachers need to set goals with students that are skill driven in order to help the students achieve success with their long term goals of reading at a higher level.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Reading conferences are also great examples. Students use their reader's notebooks as tools to write their understandings of a standard or skill that we are teaching. Students "practice" the skill within the context of their own reading and write reflections that show their understanding of the skill. Teacher conferences focus on student reflections and help guide students with meaningful question stems to keep pushing the students thought process. Students are able to recognize when they are accessing a particular skill in their reflections when they are part of the process of breaking down the SE to determine what it is that they need to know.
DeleteOn page 83 Moss/Brookhart suggest one crucial strategy that is often given lip-service and sounds great during staff development but is rarely implemented with fidelity as the year progresses...TIME for students to sort by criteria. Is it time to slow down the classroom???
ReplyDeleteI loved this chapter for so many reasons, but the biggest is the realization that I really do not give super great feedback. I feel like I give feedback all the time, just not the right feedback. I love what Mr. Gebhardt says about the TIME for students to sort. I do believe at the beginning of the year, we probably give this more thought, but as the year progresses, time runs out! I also agree with Sunni, the kids do a great job setting goals of numbers of books and reading levels, but when answering how will you get there, they struggle. Ts have to give the students feedback to lead them in the right direction.