“The whole concept of standards-based instruction assumes that
individual lessons, over time, will amount to achievement of a larger
(Moss & Brookhart pg. 29)

The best teachers, and even some average ones every now and
then, experience that “it” moment while teaching and learning. It happens at that moment when every thing
comes together perfectly and their plans turn into reality as their student
meet and exceed their expectations. In
Chapter 2 of Learning Targets, Moss
and Brookhart, explore the concept of potential learning trajectory. The authors are clearly challenging educators
to go deeper and think about how they plan lessons. On page 29, they state that planning for
effective daily instruction consists of three things:
What are
the essential knowledge (facts, concepts, and generalizations, or principals)
and skills (or procedures) for the lesson?
What is
the essential reasoning content for the lesson?
What is
the potential learning trajectory in which the lesson is situated?
If you consider and can articulate these things you are
ready to design a dynamic learning experience for your students. The authors outline four steps in designing a
learning target. They also highlight
several misconceptions and implementation mistakes teachers often make by not
going deep enough with their planning.
STEP 1: Define the Essential Content for the Lesson
STEP 2: Define the Reasoning Processes Essential for the Lesson
STEP 3: Design a Strong Performance of Understanding
STEP 4: State the Learning Target
All our students are on a learning trajectory…some days we
hit home runs with them and the trajectory goes up and sometimes we strike out
and the learning trajectory goes nowhere.
By intentionally planning for the learning with not only the content in
mind, but also our student learning trajectory, we can formatively gauge the
lesson throughout and monitor our own effectiveness.
Questions for
How do you and your PLC identify your
instructional objectives, the essential content, and the thinking skills they
require to address various stages of students learning trajectory?
Learning Targets are not the same as Learning
Objectives, after reading the Chapter 2, what is the difference?
If you already use “I will” and “We Will”
statements, how do you incorporate them throughout your lessons?